New Jersey
OCT. 14 The ’Chess Girls DC’ Eastern Regional All Girls Championships (note venue correction) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
See District of Columbia.
OCT. 14 Princeton Charter School
TOURNAMENT LOCATION: Princeton Charter School at:100 Bunn Dr., Princeton, NJ 08540. TIME CONTROL: G/30 d0; Swiss to 4 rounds. SECTIONS: Open above 1000; U1000; U700; U300/Unrated. (sections will be combined. Awards will be given to the top 3 in each section.) Parental Supervision Required: The parents or another adult must be designated to supervise the student player between rounds. Schedule (will be accelerated if possible) First Round: 12:01 PM; Second Round: ASAP; Third Round:ASAP; Fourth Round: ASAP; Award Ceremony: ASAP (4:05 the latest). Schedule will be accelerated if possible. (*) Online Registration $30 Only if register one week before: (*) Fee will increase automatically to $35 if register later. On site registration the date of the event: $40 from 11:45 am to 12:00 noon. Information: email to Miguel Iniguez at: [email protected]. Results will be posted online the same day of the event!
OCT. 14 Greater Philadelphia Monthly Scholastic Web Listing
OCT. 14 ICA Super Saturday Quads
354 Rock Road, Glen Rock, NJ 07452 (Education building, 2nd floor). 3SS, G/45 d5. Registration: On site before 1:20 PM at the day of the tournament. Entry Fee: $25 all sections. Rounds: 1:30 and ASAP. Prize: $60 1st place (each quad). Call 201-797-0330 or email [email protected] for more information.
OCT. 14 Keystone Saturday Night Blitz Web Listing
OCT. 14 Chess Mates G/45 Quads Web Listing
OCT. 14 Chess Kings and Queens Saturday Cash Rapids Web Listing
OCT. 15 Westfield Fall Scholastic
Westfield Y, 220 Clark St., Westfield, NJ 07090. K-12. 3 Sections: Open, U1250, U750. Open: 3-SS. G/40 d5. Rounds: 2:00, 3:45, 5:30 p.m. U1250 & U750: 4-SS. G/25 d5. Rounds: 2:00, 3:15, 4:30, 5:45 p.m. Prizes: Trophies to Top 5 in each section. Tiebreaks used. See USCF Rule 34E. EF: $25, $20 members. Register: 1:15-1:50 p.m. Information: John Moldovan: [email protected]. NEW WEB SITE:
OCT. 15 Cherry Hill October Active Quads Web Listing
OCT. 15 Dr. Leroy Dubeck October Action Marathon Web Listing
OCT. 15 Curtis Jones Benefit Chess Tournament Web Listing
Esperanza Academy, 301 W. Hunting Park Ave., Phila., PA 19140. Quads: 3RR, G/85 d5. EF: $30 cash; winner $100. Reg. ends 9AM. Rds. :9:30, 1, 4. Scholastic: 4SS, K-12 Open, K-8 U1200, K-6 U800, K-3 U500. G/40 d5. Entries rec'd after 10/11/16 will receive half point first round bye. On site reg. ends 9AM. Rds.: 10, 12, 2, 4. Trophies Top 10 each sections, 1nd place School and Club across sections. FREE ENTRY. Mail Ent: MasterMinds CC, 36 E. Hortter St., Philadelphia, PA 19119 or email to [email protected]. Info:
OCT. 14 National Chess Day - Bob Johnson Memorial Team Chess Tournament
Location: Mercyhurst North East Campus, Tom Ridge Center Conference Room, 16 West Division St., North East, PA 16428. Rounds: 10 AM-1:30 PM-4:30 PM. FREE - No entry fee, but donations accepted. Three round Swiss Style. There will be a maximum of 5 players per team, but multiple teams are permitted. Under 1600 and Open categories. Players must be current USCF members or renew at the tournament. "Top Team" will be determined by the top 4 scorers combined from the Open and Under 1600 sections. Unrated players will NOT count towards top team points. Time control: G/90 with a 5 second delay, if you are using a digital clock. Important: Advanced Registration of your Team is strongly encouraged. Please bring a chess board and chess set and a clock if available if you intend to play in any section. There will be a limited number of sets/boards/clocks available onsite for "emergencies". Register in advance with a reply to [email protected]. Please copy in our TD Rick Mitchell at [email protected] or call 814-899-8920. Please include your full name, USCF number, rating (if you have one) section (Open or Under 1600, team you'll be competing for and your email address or phone number. If you register directly with me please copy in your team captain for your Club. Directions to the tournament: Exit I-90 at Exit 41 (North East). Take Rt. 89 North through town and past the second light (Division Street). Turn left to enter Mercyhurst North East campus. The Tom Ridge Building is the first building on the Right. Park in the first parking lot in front of the Tom Ridge Building.
OCT. 14 Keystone Saturday Night Blitz on National Chess Day (BLZ)
Location: Days Inn Horsham/Philadelphia, 245 Easton Rd., Horsham, PA 19044. Free parking/ free wifi. Time Control: 8 round SS, G/3;inc/2. USCF blitz rated only. Rounds: 7:00-9:00PM. Max two 1/2 point byes, request before first round. EF: $10, pay at site, no checks. Prizes: Minimum 50% returned. 1st-70%, 2nd-30%. Reg.:, onsite to 6:45PM. Chess sets and clocks provided. Other Saturday Night Blitz scheduled for Aug 19, Sep 16, Nov 18, Dec 16.
OCT. 14 National Chess Day Felix Schwarz Memorial
4SS, G/60 d5. CLC Charter Schl., 2643 W. College Ave., State College, PA. 3 sections. Open: $300, 200, 100; U1600: $100, 50; U1000 : $100, 50. Trophy to highest-scoring K-8. Prizes based on 30 entries. EF: $39 online by Oct 10; $50 after. Reg.: On-site cash only 9-9:30. Rds.: 10:00-1:00-3:30-6:30. Bye: Any round, commit before 1st round. Parking: Free at site. Info: [email protected].
OCT. 14 Greater Philadelphia Monthly Scholastic On National Chess Day
Location: Days Inn, 245 Easton Rd., Horsham, PA 19044, free parking/wifi, off of PA Turnpike, close to Philadelphia & Trenton, NJ. Monthly scholastic tournament is also held on Aug 19, Sept 16, Nov 18, Dec 16. Time Control: 4 rounds, G/25 d5. Rounds:12:00-4:00PM. Max one 1/2 point bye. EF: $32 online by Oct 11; $35 online by Oct 13; $40 cash at site. Refundable for withdrawals before Oct. 14, 11:30am and 3% processing fee deducted. 4 Sections: Championship, Under 1000, Under 600, Beginners, all K-12. Info/Reg: 267-629-2162. Onsite Reg: to 11:30am. Trophies to top 3 & participation trophies to the rest. Chess sets and clocks are provided. Onsite game review, simul after awards ceremony.
OCT. 14 Free Pizza Party Chess Tournament on National Chess Day!
4-SS, G/30 d5. EF: $25, $30 CASH ONLY after 10/9 AT SITE. $$300 GTD in Open: 1st-$100, U2000-$100, U1600-$100, U1200 Scholastic: Trophy’s-U1200-1st, 2nd,3 rd; U900-1st, 2nd, 3rd;1 st-U600, 1st-U400,1 st-UNR. FREE PIZZA PARTY for every player. Rds.: 1p-2:45-4-5:15p; Reg.: Ends 12:45 pm. Site: College Hill Moravian Church, 72 W. Laurel St., Bethlehem, PA 18018. Entry Payable: Bruce Davis,1208 Linden St., Bethlehem, PA 18018; 484-866-3045. Email: [email protected]. More Info:
OCT. 15 PCL October Quick Quads (QC)
3RR, G/15 d3. Wm. Pitt Union, Univ. of Pittsburgh, 5th Ave. & Bigelow Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15213. EF: $10, $7 Jrs. $20 to 1st/quad. Reg.: 11-11:15am. Info: [email protected], 412-908-0286. W.
OCT. 15 Main Line Chess and Games Quads
3 RR, G/60 d5. Main Line Chess and Games, 7 South Valley Rd., Paoli, PA 19301. EF: $20. Prizes: $50 to first in each 4 player section. Register: 12 noon - 12:30 p.m. Rounds: 12:45, 3:00, 5:15 p.m. Information, email Tom Bartell at [email protected]. Phone him at 610-240-8900 or visit our website-, Bring a chess clock.
New York
When Saturday, Oct 14, 2017
Where P.S. 111 ADOLPH S. OCHS, 440 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019, USA (map)
When Sunday, Oct 15, 2017
Where PS 183 - Robert Louis Stevenson, 419 E 66th St, New York, NY 10065, USA (map)
When Sunday, Oct 15, 2017
Where Hunter College Elementary School, 71 E 94th St, New York, NY 10128, USA (map)
Description or
PS300Q NYChessKids
When Sunday, Oct 15, 2017
Where PS 300Q 28-37 29TH ST, QUEENS, NY 11102 TRAINS: N & W to 30th street, Queens (map)
The Right Move
When Sunday, Oct 15, 2017
Where Riverbank State Park, 679 Riverside Dr, New York, NY 10031, USA (map)
OCT. 12 Marshall Thursday Action!
4-SS, G/25 d5. ($375 b/25): $150-100, U2200: $75, U1900: $50. EF: $40, MCC Mbrs $25. GMs Free. Reg.: 6:15-6:45pm. Rds.: 7-8:15-9:30-10:45pm. Max one bye, for round 1 or 4 only. Request at entry. 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716,
US Chess Junior Grand Prix!
OCT. 12, 19, 26, NOV. 2, 9 7th Long Island CC Fall Open
5SS, G/90 d5. United Methodist Church, 470 East Meadow Ave., East Meadow, NY 11554. Open to all. $(b/20 pd. ent.): $110-90. Top U-2000, U-1500/unr. $60 ea. EF(cash only): $35. Non-LICC members +$10. UNRATED FREE! Reg.: 6:45 - 7:15 PM, no adv. ent., Rds.: 7:30 PM ea. Thursday. 2 byes 1-5. Info:
OCT. 13 Marshall Friday Night Blitz (BLZ)
9-SS, G/3 +2. ($500 b/35): $200-100, top U2400/unr, U2200, U2000, U1800: $50. USCF regular rating used for pairings & prizes. EF: $30, MCC Mbrs $20. GMs Free. Reg.: 6:15-6:45. Rds.: 7-7:30-7:50-8:10-8:40-9-9:20-9:40-10pm. Max three byes. Request at entry. Blitz rated. 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716,
OCT. 14 The ’Chess Girls DC’ Eastern Regional All Girls Championships (note venue correction) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
See District of Columbia.
OCT. 14 Marshall Morning U1800 Action
4-SS, G/25 d5. Open to youth K-12. ($325 b/25): $150-100, U1500: $75. EF: $40, MCC Mbrs $20. Reg.: 8:15-8:45am. Rds.: 9-10-11:15am-12:15pm. One bye available, request at entry. 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716,
OCT. 14 National Chess Day
Bethlehem Central MS, 332 Kenwood Ave., Delmar 12054 (TRM114). 4SS, G/30 d5. Free. Pre-register by 8:00 PM on Oct. 12. Rds.: 10, 11:25, 12:55, 2:15.
OCT. 14 Bed-Stuy National Chess Day Tourney
4SS. Restoration Plaza Amphitheater, 1368 Fulton St., Brooklyn, NY 11216. EF: FREE. Time control: G/25 d5. Reg.: 9:45-10:45am. Rounds: 11am; 12:15pm; 2pm; 3:15pm. Four Sections: (All players must be under 18 years old.) Open Section, U1100, U600 and Unrated Section. Prizes: Trophies to top five in each section. Please bring set, board and clock. RSVP through: Questions & addt’l info: Bob Ali, Secretary of Kingsmen Chess Club, Email: [email protected].
OCT. 14 Marshall Saturday G/60 Open
4-SS, G/55 d5. Open: ($450 b/35): $175-125, U2400: $75, U2100: $75. EF: $40, MCC Mbrs $20. GMs Free. Reg.: 11:15-11:45am. Rds.: 12-2:30-4:45-7pm. One bye available, request at entry. 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716,
OCT. 15 Marshall Sunday G/45 (Open & U1600)
4-SS, G/40 d5. Two sections: Open: ($450 b/35): $175-125, U2200: $75, U1900: $75. U1600: ($325 b/25): $150-100, U1300: $75. EF: $40, MCC Mbrs $20. GMs Free. Reg.: 11:15-11:45am. Rds.: 12-1:45-4:00-5:45pm. One bye available, request at entry. 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716.
OCT. 15 TRM 226
Riverbank State Pk Auditorium, 145 St. & Riverside Dr., NYC 10025. (TRM 226) 4SS, G/30 d5. Free. Pre-Register (1st 300) Check-in required before 9:15 on-site.