OCT. 25-27 OR 26-27 23rd annual Eastern Chess Congress
5SS, 40/100, SD/30 d10 (2-day option, rds. 1-2 G/60 d10). Hyatt Regency Princeton, 102 Carnegie Center, Princeton, NJ 08540. Free parking, wireless & fitness center,10% discount in hotel restaurant (except alcohol). $$ 20,000 guaranteed. In 7 sections. Premier (1900/up): $2000-1000-500-300, clear win or 1st on tiebreak $100, top U2300 $800-400. FIDE. Under 2100: $1400-700-400-200. Under 1900: $1400-700-400-200. Under 1700: $1300-700-400-200. Under 1500: $1200-600-400-200. Under 1300: $1000-500-300-200. Under 1100: $500-300-200-100, plaques to top 3, 1st U900, U700, U500, Unr. Mixed doubles: best male/female 2-player combined score among all sections: $800-400-200. Must average under 2200; may play in different sections; register (no extra fee) by 2 pm 10/26. Unrated prize limits: $100 U1100, $200 U1300, $300 U1500, $400 U1700, $500 U1900. Top 5 sections EF: $118 online at chessaction.com by 10/23, 3-day $123, 2-day $122 mailed by 10/16, all $140 at site, or online until 2 hrs before round 1. Under 1100 EF: all $50 less than above. All: No checks at site, credit cards OK. Unofficial uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated, or to qualify for Premier. Special 1 year USCF with magazine if paid with entry. Online at chessaction.com, Adult $35, Young Adult $22, Scholastic $15. Mailed or at site, $40, $25 & $17. Re-entry $50 (except Premier). GMs $100 from prize. 3-day schedule: Reg. ends Fri 6 pm, rds. Fri 7, Sat 11 & 5, Sun 10 & 3:30. 2-day schedule: Reg. ends Sat 10 am, rds. Sat 11, 2 & 5, Sun 10 & 3:30. Bye: all, limit 2; Premier must commit before rd. 2, others before rd. 3. HR: $120-120, 609-987-1234 or use link at chesstour.com, reserve by 10/10. Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, use AWD #D657633. Ent: chessaction.com or Continental Chess, Box 8482, Pelham, NY 10803. Questions: chesstour.com, DirectorAtChess.us, 347-201-2269. $15 service charge for refunds. Entries posted at chessaction.com (click “entry list” after entering). Bring set, board, clock if possible- none supplied. Blitz tournament Sat. 9:30 pm, enter by 9:15 pm.
OCT. 25-27 OR 26-27 23rd annual Eastern Chess Congress
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com.
OCT. 26 King’s Chess Club Quads
Morning quads and afternoon quads, G/30 d5, Kindergarten-undergraduate (scholastic, youth, and young adult memberships). Grace Church Bethlehem Campus, 758 Route 10, Randolph, NJ 07869. EF: None. Reg.: 9- 9:20 am., 1st rd. 9:40. Arr. by 12:30 pm to reg. only for afternoon quads. Medal to each quad winner. Info: Email Bob McAdams at [email protected] or call at 973-694-3988.
OCT. 26 Eastern Chess Congress Blitz Web Listing
OCT. 26 Princeton Charter School
TOURNAMENT LOCATION: Princeton Charter School at100 Bunn Dr., Princeton, NJ 08540. TIME CONTROL: G/30 d0; Swiss to 4 rounds. SECTIONS: Open above 1000/1200; U1000; U800; U400/Unrated. (sections will be combined. Awards will be given to the top 3 in each section) Parental Supervision Required: The parents or another adult must be designated to supervise the student player between rounds. Schedule (will be accelerated if possible) First Round: 12:01 PM. Second Round: ASAP. Third Round: ASAP. Fourth Round: ASAP. Award Ceremony: ASAP (4:05 the latest). Schedule will be accelerated if possible. (*) Online Registration $35 Only if register one week before: www.ChessKidsNY.com/PCSChessProgram.htm (*) Fee will increase automatically if register later. On site registration the date of the event: $40 from 11:45 am to 12:00 noon. Restoking fee of $4 for cancellation. Restoking waived if we are forced to cancel due to tournament site weather conditions. Information: email to Miguel Iniguez at: [email protected]. Results will be posted online the same day of the event!
OCT. 26 Rahway Y Saturday Blitz (NON-RATED) Web Listing
OCT. 26 ICA Super Saturday Quads
354 Rock Road, Glen Rock, NJ 07452 (Education building, 2nd floor). 3SS, G/45 d5. Registration: On site before 1:15 PM at the day of the tournament or on-line: https://ica.jumbula.com/#/ica_tournaments. Entry Fee: $25 (check or cash) or $28 (on-line). Rounds: 1:30 and ASAP. Prize: $60 1st place (each quad). Call 201-797-0330 or email [email protected] for more information.
OCT. 26 Rahway Y Saturday Tournament Web Listing
OCT. 27 Westfield G/45 Quads
3-RR. G/40 d5. Westfield Y, 220 Clark St., Westfield, NJ 07090. EF: $30, $25 members. Registration: 11:20 a.m.-12:10 p.m. Those registering before 11:50, or lined-up to do so, will be charged $5 less! Prizes: $60 to first in each section. Rounds: 12:15, 2:00, 3:45 p.m. Info: http://westfieldchessclub.org/Events.html, [email protected]
OCT. 27 Rahway Y Sunday Tournament Web Listing
OCT. 27 Scholastic Chess at South Jersey Innovation Center
2003 Lincoln Dr., West Marlton, NJ 08053. 4 rds. G/25 d5, Beginning at 12:15 and ASAP: OPEN (Players K-12), RESERVE (K-12 U-1000), NOVICE II (K-8 U-600), NOVICE I (unrated K-8). Plaques to top 3 school teams, top 5 in each section Medals to all players. Pre-registration online, $35 Info and online registration at https://snjchess.com/register. On-site 11-12 noon $45. Inquiries to [email protected]